Monday, April 3, 2006

Caffeinated Monday

Isn't caffeine taken especially on Monday morning supposed to wake your senses up and get one all hyped up for the week?

Well, maybe there isn't enough caffeine in my blood veins to do just that?

Anyone game for a cup of caffeine on a Monday afternoon?


Anonymous said...

u noe..i can never take hot drinks, even caffeine. They make me sleepy..haha.. but gimme coke..terbeliak mata nanti.. :p

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm like Marylamb too... I dunno how to drink hot drinks, even if you put ice in them eg Milo, Ovaltine, Coffee, Tea etc... But gimme soft drinks, I'll gladly drink them... :)

Almost Perfect Mum said...

MissLiza to marylamb & PM - HOW CAN U NOT LIKE COFFEE??? hehehehe jk...i used tto a coffee addict...till i got introduced to teh ais...