Sunday, October 16, 2005

Post-traffic light encounter

In response to my post titled "Traffic light encounter" on October 7 2005, an ex-schoolmate of mine posted this question as you can see from my tag board.

"hey, think abt this, Islamic law that make non-muslims convert if they wanna marry a Muslim-Is dat despicable?I bet not.So how cld 2 ladies who approach n ask u to go to the church be despicable? "

Fizzzaaaa, don't worry. I am not offended by this at all and I know your intentions are pure. Anyways, this post is to clarify this matter - somewhat.

Why I deem the act of the 2 ladies despicable is because they walk around looking for "potential targets". Unlike the Islamic law that Fizzzaaaa mentioned. We do not go around town in an effort to promote and (in a way) force others to become Muslims. This is merely because as Muslims, we know that there is NO COMPULSION IN ISLAM. We do not believe in FORCING people to convert. But the 2 ladies were very persistent. Moreover, the incident was not the first time I encountered this type of people. I remembered there was one time back in secondary school days while I was waiting for a friend of mine, one such person came up to me and boy was she persistent. Even after I repeatedly said "No!", she was very determined to make me attend her religious seminar. This is the main reason why I find that this kind of act despicable. It is because these people merely FORCE one to attend whatever religious meetings that are being held. As per what Kak sharinna said in her comments about there being a quota of some sort. I am not sure of how true that is but I have also heard of such things from another friend of mine. Apparently, there is some kind of a quota amongst them - just like in a sales company. Wallahu alam.

As Muslims, would one rather be a murtad (Astaghfirullah) just so one can marry a non-Muslim? Masya Allah. I am not strong enough to endure the Punishment of ALLAH.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. If it so happens, that love blossom between a non-Muslim and I and none will want to convert, then it is probably for the better. Maybe it is a way for me to strengthen my iman. Insya ALLAH.

I hope whoever who reads this ( a Muslim, Christian, Catholic or whatever your religion is), you will not be offended because these posts are not meant to be a form of discrimination of any religions. Islam does not allow such disregard even to non-Muslims. We are taught to show respect to all living things - including the non-Muslims. It even covers animals. We are not allowed to mistreat animals. I don't know about you. I believe everything is pure and good by default. However, humans (some of them) abuse and manipulatate them and makes it such a horrible thing. For example, I believe all religion teaches good. Like in this case, I respect Christians since I have quite a number of them as friends. However, people like the ladies I mentioned above in a way "disfigure" the good reputation of the religion. The same goes for the extremists. Masya ALLAH. That is why ALLAH encourages us to do eveything in moderation. Eat in moderation, drink in moderation etc. Masya ALLAH.

May ALLAH grant us guidance and strengthen our faith. Insya ALLAH. Amin.


Anonymous said...


yeapz, me is BIG soccer fan. hehehe...

selamat posa

sharinna said...

Hi Amby,
Ok..get linky we shall then..drop by more often,k. I will do the same too...InsyaƔllah.
Take care for now.