Friday, October 14, 2005

Tze Birken'

I met up with Tze who just came back from Bangkok. (Thanks for the Birkenstock, girl.)

I am so happy for her. She is one of the few people whom I know who are really extremely comfortable in their own skin. She does not try to be someone else nor does she do things just to please others. Despite our differences, I always feel so damn good whenever I am with her.

Anyways, that's not the highlight of this story. Before she went for Bangkok, she did told me about a certain Mr-Mr whom she had been communicating with for quite a bit. However, knowing Tze and her tomboyishness, (Sorry, Tze. But you're still the best. After me, that is. hehehehe) Mr-Mr was just probably going to be "one of the guy friends" - again. But boy, was I wrong. Damn wrong! Mr-Mr and Tze are now bilssfully enjoying couplehood. I am so happy for Tze. She truly deserves it. She is a great girl. Truly a treasure! Anyways, they went to Bangkok together (well, she convinced me that NOTHING happened there. I take your word for it Tze - NOT! Hehehehehehe...just kidding)

That got me thinking when my turn will be, who my Mr-Mr will be, how will he look like, what will his profession be, how tall will he be, how....oops! Got carried away. One thing I've learnt is that you should never, ever LOOK for love. Let it find you. Well, frankly Kakak told me this like a million times but I kept forgetting. Hehehehehehehehe..Oh well...I have no idea when my Mr-Mr will show up, how he will look like or .... Oops! Got carried away - again. Sorry! For now, I will just enjoy my Birkenstock. Lalalalalalalalalalalala

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