Friday, October 7, 2005

Traffic light encounter

I was walking home from work today. As I passed the swimming complex to get to the traffic light, I saw on the opposite side two ladies - one Caucasian and the other Asian-looking.

As I was waiting for the "green man" to come on, they came and stood beside me since they were also going the same way as me. That was when she started to introduced herself to me. I shall not reveal their nationalities but they were definitely not locals. they were both wearing name tags and "JESUS CHRIST" was in bold and capslock. After her unnecessary introduction, she started to briefly tell me about a certain church that she attends, how long she has been in Singapore and other redundant details. I knew all that was coming. She asked me about my religion. I told her I am Muslim. I thought that the answer would just shut her up. But I thought wrong. Because instead of shutting up, she enlightened me on how there are also Muslims who goes to her church. Fortunately, her friend was going the opposite way so we separated. Alhamdullillah. Allah is great.

Don't get me wrong, people. I have no problem mingling with individuals who are of different race or religion. Staying in a multi-racial society, that is something unavoidable and which I am used to and appreciate greatly. I do have friends who are Christians, Catholic, Buddhist etc. I am able to maintain beautiful friendships with almost all of them. This is merely because we are able to respect one another and not try to impose our beliefs to the other. For me personally, only when a non-Muslim friend of mine asks anything about Islam, I'll try to answer the question as best as I could with the knowledge I possess. I don't go around preaching to my non-Muslims friends about Islam.

I say this a million times but I shall say it again. I don't discrimiate people who are not Muslims or Malay. But I HATE it when people like this do what the 2 ladies as described above did to me. It is downright despicable. How can you force people like that. If you are a true Christian, you will never do what you did. Why I say this is because I believe that no religion would force anyone to embrace it. It should be done willingly and wholeheartedly. I hope none of us would ever have to encounter anything like this ever again. For those of you who are playing with the idea to do something like this, I suggest you think again. You don't like to be forced to do things then don't try to impose your beliefs onto others. We all have minds of our own. Let US make our own decisions.

May ALLAH strengthen our faith, show us to the right path of Islam and keep our faith intact. Insya ALLAH.


Anonymous said...

oohhh miss liza, i came across with this thingy a few times b4. my hse is so the near to american sch sey..then they saw me, konon nak amik hati ah tanya "apa khabar" with their slang..hmm not amazed at all..terus bebual pasal suruh join dorgnyer clan..ishk! ntah buta ke tak ke..i yg pakai tudung pon dorg approach! down rite crazy kan...saja nak tgk keruntuhan org islam kot

Almost Perfect Mum said...

teacher paizah>>> i would assume so. esp with the recent unfortunate events, they probably think that they can influence us to change our faiths. nauzubillah min zalik.

Anonymous said...

morning, dearie. ouh, this is pretty common, actually. they are trying to recruit non-Christians to their church, see, and then tempt them to convert.

takpe, kuatkan iman lagi² bulan ramadhan ni & mohon kepadaNya supaya menebalkan aqidah and tidak dipesongkan agama kita. insya-allah.

yeapz, we normally get movie screenings for the children. so far, i've been to the creenings twice but both are cartoon, lah :)

selamat berpuasa. me ist going to geylang today!

Anonymous said...

Yah Mahd's right. These things have been around for sometime. When I was in Ngee Ann Poly for 6 months, I came across members of the Christian groups there approaching our Muslim students to join them. They are damn lucky they never approach me or I would have told them off or gave them a long sermon...

sharinna said...

Hi Amby, this ladies are practically being paid to recruit non christians. Ada Quota agaknya.
Anyway, about the ghost in Orchard, that was a real life(Human)ghost lah. They were promoting movie,FEAR. Hhahahah...Ape aje...