Monday, October 17, 2005

Blocking walls

I was out in the morning,
Sitting down by the beach,
Writing down my feelings
And answers that I seek,
But now the walls are blocking
Unabling me to write the thoughts that are making me sick.

Ok, I admit. I am no Shakespeare or Maya Angelou but these poems were my lame attempts at poetry. I actually wrote them in 2001. Waaaaaaay back in poly days. A little bit about the history of these poems.

At that point of time, I was extremely heartbroken by well, you guessed it, a guy. He turned out to be one of my most favourite male friends. Back then, mIRC chat was very, very popular and yes, I was also caught up in that. I got to know him from there. We quickly clicked and started talking on the telephone. We would chat till the wee hours every single weekend. It was great! Then silly old me started to develop some feelings for him. Being the ever so "brave" individual that I am, I confessed but was dissappointed. I thought that would be the end of our friendship. However, when I met him online the following day, he chatted with me like nothing ever happen. Being the "very brave" individual that I am (again!), I asked him why he didn't stop being my friend like how most others would react when someone confessed their feelings to them. He didn't think it necessary to go away just because of that, especially when the both of us can click so well. win some, you lose some. Thank you, friend. You know who you are. If ever, you are reading this, I want to thank you again for acting the way you did. We may not have talked for the longest time but I will always remember you. You became my friend despite my shortcomings. I hope you are feeling fine and life has been treating you well.

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