Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Mamas, I love you....

Throughout my life, I was blessed with the presence of 3 wonderful ladies who guided and taught me all I ever need to know about living life, righfully in this world made wretched by human beings ourselves.

I have three "mothers". Don't get me wrong. My dearest father is very faithful to my lovely mother. My real mother is the second lady from the right. She taught me the most, of course. No doubt about that. But the otehr two ladies I still do regarrd them as my like my own "mothers".

I feel silly sometimes. Today is one of the times. I feel so silly because I thought I was alone all this while. I thought I had nobody who actually wanted to be associated with me. (ok ok, I am being paranoid and stupid.) But only ALLAH can see and feel the love these ladies showed to me that they ached when I ached, they eat when I eat, they sleep when I sleep, they smile when I smile, they rejoice when I rejoice. They were there for me all throughout my life. At least for most part of it.

Why was I so blind? There are people who care for and still does. They accepted me for who I truly am. No questions asked.

Masya ALLAH. How blessed I am.

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P/S: Upon looking at this picture, I seriously do need a haircut. Pronto!


Alles-Lila said...

lucky you...:)

i have been well, alhamdulillah. yourelf, dearie?

have to spay her, lah...kalau tak, bising!

Anonymous said...

hmmmm i baru ada 2 mak.....sapa nak jadi my 3rd mom??