Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Living Life

A life full of wonderful things,
A life full of beauty,
A life full of love from your life partner,
A life full of all the things you have ever dream of
That is the life I crave for... a life that is not mine.
But as I live this life,the life which I would exchange for for anything in the world,
The life that no-one in their right mind would choose even if it was put up for the lowest price ever,
The life that is full of mundane and routine events,
The life I call mine.
Why do we always crave for something not ours?
Why do we always believe that life will be that much better if we had what they had?
Why can't life be full with what we have now?
I am tired, so so tired...
Not tired of living this life ...
But tired of wanting to live other peoples' lives.
Of wanting to exchange my life for theirs.
I'm tired of that.
I have a life but I never lived it. Maybe I will one day. Maybe that day is today.

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