Monday, July 18, 2005

My thoughts on a wet, wet Monday...

  • I am on "MEDICAL LEAVE" today. Hehehehe...
  • I really have to complete my practicum folder. There are a gazillion things that needs to be done. The observations, the journal entries, the pictures to be taken. ARGH! Okay, take a deep breath and coooool. I need to prioritize. I must finish the content of at least one corner by today and half of the second corner. I CAN DO IT!
  • I wish I can just go to sleep.
  • I hate my digicam. How can it jam on me yesterday? I could have taken a gazillion pictures when I went to Boat Quay yesterday with Yati. Darn! Now I have to answer to Kakak. Well, it's not my fault the damn cam got jammed. Every single time I need to use, the battery failed on me - even after I have fully recharged it. Now I need a new digicam but where can I dig the money from? ARGH! Okay, relax Liz. Deep breaths, girl, deep breaths.
  • I should really stop eating. I have lost 4 kilograms in a matter of 3 months! WOO HOO! From 65kg to 61kg! Imagine that! I will maintain the weight loss. Mak always say I'm like a balloon. I can go from having a beautiful waist line to an "all-rounder". Muahahahaha...Mothers, they know best. Adik sayang Mak.
  • My time management skills as well as my financial management skills MUST improve. I know my earnings will be more than enough if I just manage it properly. I know it is!
  • What a beautiful day! I just love the smell of the air after a rainfall. The fresh smell of flowers, grass just calms you down....for a bit.
  • I LOVE MY LIFE! *whistles*

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