Saturday, December 31, 2011

On a positive note for the New Year.

In less than 3 hours, 2011 will be last year as we excitedly usher in 2012 - this year.

As you look back at 2011 and find nothing but regrets, well I hate to be the one to break it to you.

But you're a tad bit late for that.

But fret not jolly people because 2012 is here to the rescue!

2012 promises more fun, excitement & a whole lot of craziness!

Throw out those new year's resolutions because you are never going to stick to them anyways.

Instead, make it a point that in 2012 you will constantly remind yourself to just live it - live YOUR LIFE like you may not get to experience 2013.

I'm not kidding.

Make Mr. Procrastinator your No.1 nemesis and NEVER allow it to enter your heart - not even for a split second.

Procrastination is a disease.

It seems harmless initially but as it accumulates, it destroys your dreams, life and everything else that matters to you.

A little dramatic, you say?

Well, better safe than sorry.

Anyhow, whether you're out and about partying and getting drunk with a whole bunch of strangers or in the comfort of your home snuggling up with your loved ones (underline your situation), have fun and enjoy it while you can.

May we all have a blessed and fulfilling 2012!


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