Monday, September 8, 2008

On the 8th day of Ramadan

For the first time ever, my birthday fell in the Islamic month of Ramadan.

No problem with that.

A colleague asked about my birthday celebration.

I replied saying that the celebration seemed more and more redundant as you get older.

From Discover My space...
One candle is enough

As more time passes by, you will eventually forget your birthday (One of my aunties did.)

Anyhow, an Italian restaurant was in our targetted restaurant this year.

The relaxing ambience was commendable but the food was not quite my cup of tea.

There is only so much cheese that I can take.

However, the special birthday "cake" was yummy.
From Discover My space...
Compliments to the chef

Nonetheless, I enjoyed the company of SiBudakTapaiYangAkuLupBangetTu.

From Discover My space...
Presenting SiBudakTapaiTuLah


Horrible food or not, I feel blessed by what HE has bestowed upon me.

It is all that I have hoped for and so much more.

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