Tuesday, December 13, 2005

On top of the other

Just when you thought things could not get any worse, it does. You are faced with yet another crisis to handle. It feels like the attack just keeps on coming and it's never going to end. Very slowly (but surely) you try to pick yourself up.You know the problems aren't going to vanish into thin air by simply ignoring it. You try to tackle and solve the situation but in the midst of the struggle, life took a a different turn and decided to drop another bomb on your ongoing warzone.

It seems almost unbearable at times but I believe I will get through all this. I know ALLAH challenges those whom He loves. I guess this is a test as to how far my belief in Him is. I presume too that He is bringing me back to reality because of my own complacency. Maybe all these problems are a warning for me to show "who's Boss" - it's definitely not me.

Amidst all the sudden good fortune, I unconsciously distanced myself from Him and forgot the fundamental duties as a Muslimah. All these heart-wrenching events are like slaps across the face to wake me up before I fall into a much deeper sleep, making it hard for me to wake up to reality.

I shall persevere.

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