Thursday, October 20, 2005

Mojo (Jojo)

I was just going through my old diary. It does make me feel good to read all the stories of my life. It started off in my poly days where the events mostly involved matters of the heart to the days I spent in my previous company where the feelings penned down involved my career choice and about life.

I could almost recall the incident that took place when I read my old diary. Every single second of it. Scary. I realised that my entries comprises of so many unhappy moments. But the funny thing was that, my friends would always describe me as "....chirpy, bubbly, a joker, an irritant, funny.....". Weird, huh? You would think that with all those unhappy incidents I would be as melancholic as whatever, right?

Anyways, my old diary didn't just made me recall the past. It made me realise that I have quite a collection of poems. (I used to be able to write poems??!! Shesh...) What happened to me now???? Why can't I do that NOW? ARGH!!! Hahahahahahahaha....I gotta get my MOJO back.

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