Monday, June 16, 2008

New and Improved

Start of a summer vacation means time for a new (blog)skin!


I am so used to having lots of colours but now it's time for a change.

Back to basics (Thank you, Christina).

Decoding HTML codes is no joke, y'all.

But it was fun.


My hard work has been paid off.

Woo hoo!

Now with skin changed and improved, it's time to catch up on the entries.

Sekarang baru semangat nak buat entries.

Stay tuned for more of nothings but which is just so addictive - that is my blog.

Does that sentence makes sense?


Well, what do you expect?

I just spent 2 whole hours decoding the darn HTML codes.


It's 11pm now.


Bonne nuit.

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