Thursday, September 15, 2005

Katrina oh Katrina..

War is never a pretty thing. Violence should never be used to stop violence.

I simply cried inside when I heard that the American troops were getting ready to go to the Middle East. How frightening it must be for both parties to know that strangers will be entering your country complete with bombs and weapons in the suitcases. How frustrating and sad it must be to know your son, brother or father has to be a million miles away fighting a worthless war.

Upon hearing about the preparations of the US troops, I told myself, Whoever it was that initiated this war will receive his retribution. That retribution will not be caused by human being but by nature. When nature is the cause of a destruction, no parties will be blamed as no one has the control over nature except ALLAH.

True enough, hurricane Katrina striked and the world awaits for the rescue efforts which came yonks after the disaster. I hope that people of New Orleans will stay strong and to never stop praying.

ALLAH is great and He will reward or punishes anyone He wishes and He is just.

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